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The supreme court of Alabama decided that gays can not get married.
Picture of supreme court. Also show Alabama highlighted in a map of U.S.
Seven judges voted against gay marriage.
Show seven judges saying "No". One judge says "Yes". One judge says nothing. (Maybe iconography, like seven judges with a speech bubble showing two male figures holding hands, crossed out.)
"The law says that "Marriage" is between just one man and just one woman." - Alabama Supreme Court Opinion
Show the seven judges speaking.
"This has been the law for about 200 years." - Alabama Supreme Court Opinion
Same picture.
"Nothing in the United States Constitution matters to this law." - Alabama Supreme Court Opinion
Same picture.
One judge, Justice Greg Shaw, disagreed.
Same picture, highlight the one saying "Yes".
One other judge, Chief Justice Roy Moore, abstained. He did not vote.
Same picture, highlight the one saying nothing.
(Last month, Chief Justice Moore said that gay marriage is still illegal in Alabama.)
Same picture
What does the federal government say?
The federal district court says that Alabama must let gay people marry.
Show a picture of the Federal district court.
The U.S. Supreme Court still hasn't decided if states are allowed to say that gays can't marry.
Picture of the U.S. supreme court. Show a thought bubble? Maybe show the word "thinking"?
They will decide for the entire country, not just Alabama.
Same picture, but also show an outline of the U.S.
They will decide in June.
Same picture, but also show a calendar indicating June.
While they are deciding, the U.S. Supreme Court says that gay people are allowed to get married in Alabama.
Same picture, but the U.S. supreme court is saying "Yes ... for now".
This means that right now, the federal courts and the Alabama courts are saying different things.
Picture of Alabama courthouse saying "No", and the U.S. Supreme Court saying "Yes". Label the Alabama courthous and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Who wants to stop gay marriage in Alabama?
The court case was brought by two groups.
Show two groups of people approaching the Alabama supreme court.
One group was the Alabama Policy Institute.
Same picture, highlight one of the groups.
Another group was the Alabama Citizen Action Program. This group is run by Babtists.
Same picture, highlight the other group.
Who wants to allow gay marriage in Alabama?
"The Alabama Supreme Court is on the wrong side of history." - The National Center for Lesbian Rights
Show a woman speaking at a podium.
"The question is not whether marriage equality will return to Alabama, but how quickly." - The National Cent4er for Lesbian Rights